Thank you for visiting our website. With the constant improvement of our products and technology, the information of our website will be updated irregularly, therefore, the information listed on our website is for reference purpose only. For the deta Details
1, Please select appropriate aerogel materials based on the operation condition and the requirements.
2, Aerogel materials cannot be installed while the insulation target is still operating. If installation during operation is inevitable, please
Advantages of aerogel insulation blanket over traditional insulation materials
Traditional insulation materials are divided into three categories: organic foams, inorganic foams and fiber products.
What benefits can Aerogel Insulation bring to you:
Extremely low thermal conductivity offers supreme insulation performance
Hydrophobic while vapor permeable, refraining Corrosion Under Insulation(CUI)
The Citroen car advertisement for the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, born in 1925, is the earliest advertisement for the Eiffel Tower so far. The Eiffel Tower advertisement is composed of thousands of neon light bulbs, the abbreviation and logo of Ci Details
Handling of aerogel blankets will produce dusts, exposure to which would possibly cause following effects: — A sensation of dryness to skin — Irritation to eyes, skin, respiratory track These effects are not unique to aerogel and aerogel insulatio Details
An independent laboratory measured the Minimum Explosible Concentration (MEC) for Aerogel dust to be 575 g/m3 per ASTM E1515-03, "Standard Test Method for Minimum Explosible Concentration of Combustible Dusts”. The laboratory also performed a Minimum Details